Futuriom Services
Founded in 2017, Futuriom is a boutique research company focused on next-generation cloud infrastructure and communications technology. We use a data-driven, primary research approach to present detailed analysis of cloud growth markets including communications infrastructure, artificial intelligence, cloud infrastructure, and cybersecurity.
We have two channels of research: free and premium. Some of our insights are published in our free Cloud Market Trend Reports (CMTRs) series, which identifies high-growth trends in emerging technology markets. For subscribers to our Cloud Tracker PRO (CTP) service, we provide a comprehensive suite of databases, case study trackers, analysis, and premium reports.
Premium Research & Calendar
Futuriom publishes a regular calendar of research in the cloud, enterprise technology, and service-provider markets. Our focus is on the business impact of emerging technology. We tell you where key technology markets are moving, presenting our findings in reports published throughout the year.
Each year we will be publishing:
- Numerous CMTRs on focused topics including enterprise and service-provider networking, cybersecurity, and next-generation cloud infrastructure. These reports are free for Futuriom users, and sponsored by our clients.
- Regular Leadership Briefs, Tech Primers, and blogs tracking trends and growth metrics in the cloud.At least five CTP premium reports. You can learn more about Cloud Tracker Pro here.
- Data-driven CTP services such as Hybrid Cloud Index and the 5G Services Tracker.
To support this research we offer high-value sponsorship packages that include a distribution license to the report, analyst consultation, webinar speaking opportunity, premium report listing for sponsors, and our own audience distribution.
See our premium research page and our free research page for reports that have already been published. The calendar changes frequently, but you can see the latest calendar below.
January 2025: Special Report: Object Storage in the AI Era
(Published here.)
February 2025: Futuriom 50: Top Cloud Trends and Startups 2024
(Published here.)
May: What's Next for Networking Infrastructure for AI
(inquire NOW about sponsorship!)
June: RAGs to Riches: RAG, Data, and Private AI at the Edge
(inquire NOW about sponsorship!)
TBD: Optimizing Cloud Costs: Platform Trends in FinOps and Cloud Cost Management (CCM)
(inquire NOW about sponsorship!)
July: Full Cloud Automation: Integrating Observability, AIOps, and NetDevOps
(inquire NOW about sponsorship!)
September: Trends and Use Cases in Cloud Data Management (including AI)
(inquire NOW about sponsorship!)
October: MCN and NaaS Survey Report 2025
(inquire NOW about sponsorship!)
November: Trends in Platform Engineering and IaC
(inquire NOW about sponsorship!)
To Learn more on sponsorship opportunities and how to use our content as a sponsor, email sales@futuriom.com or use our contact page.
Website and Newsletter Audience
In addition to providing deep research services, Futuriom has a fast-growing digital community which can be leveraged by marketers. Some facts about our Website, social media, and email distribution:
- Our core audience (website, email, and social media) consists of more than 10,000 decision makers at enterprises and service providers, with 20% CxOs.
- Across social media channels, we have more than 20,000 followers.
- Through our research partnerships, we gather data from tens of thousands of end users in both enterprise and service-provider markets. We also have our own database of 6,000+ end users.
- Futuriom Principal R. Scott Raynovich writes a regular Forbes column.
- Futuriom analysis has appeared in a variety of media channels, including Bloomberg, CNBC, Information Week, Fierce Wireless, Fierce Telecom, and Light Reading.

For ideas on how to leverage this audience with high-performance sponsorship or content licensing programs, please contact our sales department.
Marketing & Research Briefings
If you are interested in setting up an appointment to tell your story, learn about our research services, or hear about marketing opportunities associated with these reports, please do not hesitate to contact our team at analyst@futuriom or sales@futuriom.com
Custom Content & Research
Our analyst team can develop bespoke research and content to tell technology growth stories.This includes detailed custom survey analysis and reports based on primary end-market research.
Futuriom principal R. Scott Raynovich and Futuriom contributing analysts are available to speak on events, including webinars or social events.
Content Licensing
License articles, slideshows, or research for events or marketing purposes.
Thank you for your interest! You can inquire about any of these services through the Contact Us page.
We look forward to working with you to elevate your message with in-depth technology research and thought leadership.