Cisco Hq2

Here's What Cisco Needs to Fix

Cloud Tracker Pro

Cisco's hyping AI, but it needs to fix its core networking portfolio first

A Ibrain3

Inside Cisco's $1 Billion AI Play

Cisco announces a $1B AI fund to get more skin in the game

By: R. Scott Raynovich
June 04, 2024

Does an HPE-Juniper Deal Make Any Sense?

HPE's shares are plunging on fears about a tie-up with Juniper Networks

By: R. Scott Raynovich
January 09, 2024
Factory2 Iot

Private 5G Interest Surges

Private 5G is growing, and providers are homing in on specific areas of most demand. Partnerships are key to the trend

By: Mary Jander
June 20, 2023

Who Are the Biggest Multicloud Customers?

Cloud Tracker Pro

Here are a few of the largest customers of various combinations of AWS, Azure, GCP, and Oracle

By: Mary Jander
April 05, 2023
China Us

Tech Firms Praise China While Tiptoeing Out of It

CEOs of Apple and Qualcomm spent the weekend in Beijing praising their interests there. Meanwhile, they're shifting production to other countries

By: Mary Jander
March 27, 2023

What Does the Banking Crisis Mean for Cloud Tech?

The main driver of tech investment -- interest rates -- may now swing tech investment back into favor

By: R. Scott Raynovich
March 21, 2023
5 Gcity3

MWC: Hoping for Less Augmented Marketing Reality

The hypefest know as MWC suffers from chronic overpromising. Is there any way to get back to reality?

By: R. Scott Raynovich
February 24, 2023
5 Gconcept1

Mobile World Congress Preview: 5G Where Art Thou?

There are many reasons why 5G hasn't lived up to the hype, but more use cases are emerging

By: R. Scott Raynovich
February 14, 2023
SASE Blog Website Asset

Futuriom 2023 Research and Editorial Calendar

Welcome to our 7th year of coverage of the cloud infrastructure market

By: R. Scott Raynovich
November 10, 2022