A Look at Cloud Networking ROI

As Futuriom has been tracking, cloud networking technology can leverage AIOps, application programming interfaces (APIs), and NetDevOps techniques to build a single, cloud-based networking system to support high-performance connectivity for apps in any environment – such as enterprise infrastructure, wireless campus, datacenter, or cloud.
Many networking technology vendors aren’t thinking about a holistic approach to solve this problem. It’s likely you’ve seen networks marketed into artificial silos: campus wireless, datacenter, and cloud networking. But how many networking platforms are able to manage all of these networks using the same platform?
The reality is that technology and business leaders do not want islands of connectivity. The modern-day enterprise requires knowledge of what’s happening on all these networks at once – to analyze data, ensure the high performance of applications, and ensure information security.
A Dive into Cloud Networking ROI
For this Leadership Brief, we partnered with Extreme Networks, which has driven its One Network, One Cloud strategy – an innovative approach to managing networks using a cloud approach with consistent deployment across any networking domain.
We interviewed and examined several users of Extreme’s cloud networking solutions – including ExtremeCloud IQ, Extreme Wireless, and Extreme Wireless Access -- to see how a unified cloud networking portfolio could deliver reduced operating expense (OpEx), better productivity, and security – all parts of a better return on investment (ROI).
The deployments delivered better ease of use, productivity, lower operational costs, and better security -- with total ROI gains of 20%-50%.
How Were the Gains Realized?
You might be wondering: How were ROI gains of 20%-50% realized? In the Leadership Brief, we detail exactly how the networking end users attained their ROI gains, which came in many forms.
We learned from customer interviews that a unified approach can deliver faster setup and configuration, seamless operation, simplified management, reduced operating expenses, and better security. By making installation and implementation easier, it also provides productivity benefits that can boost economic activity.
So read up! Get the full details by downloading the Leaderhip Brief here.